Monday, June 17, 2013


It is officially hot! 84 in the living room. Our AC has a hard time keeping up with these beastly humid days. But we love it none-the less. Today was the first day of art camp and the kids had a ball. We made fried egg plant at Lilah's request which was amazing although I'm sure if added a degree of hot to the kitchen. Now we're headed out in the yard to play in the hose and maybe even a dip in the tub tub! Oh the irony :)!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Beach time


Starting off summer with a new activity. Friends, focus, fun!

Happy First Day of Summer Vacation!

This my first tester blog post from my phone and my first one of the 2013 summer season!

Here's to a wonderful summer full of lazy mornings!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Summer 2012!

Are you ready to be thrown in to summer?
We are!
We are diving in! 
and can't wait for the adventures to come.
Happy Summer Everyone!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer is over, but we are still posting!

We are very lucky this year! Both kids go to the same fabulous public school. It is 5 minutes from our house..AND they don't start class until 9:15! This gives us plenty of time in the morning (at least this time of year), to play before school starts. This, makes my Motherly heart very happy!
What makes it even more happy, is that after they are dressed and ready I say," it's time to play before school starts", and guess what?.......they have been going outside and playing. Happily, joyfully and with no instruction, no cries of "but we're bored".....they just go and play. Ahhhhh, I can smile knowing that my children enjoy each other and are using their creativity well.

You see, they aren't playing with toys. Just stuff they find in the yard, and it is so beautiful to peek out the window and see them.

Knowing that before they go into the structure of school, they get at least 30 minutes of time to just be. Out in the almost cool, calm mornings of Florida September.

This is a very great way to start the day!